Tomorrow I leave Liberia, this time (more) permanently. I expected this to be a melodramatic time, but it really hasn't been. Am I sad? Not really. Going to miss it? Sure, absolutely. Ready to go? Definitely. An excerpt from my journal last night sums up my mood:
tomorrow's my last full day--
end of an era feelings
are finally setting in.
it's easy to see and cite
all the ways Liberia's changed--
what i hope is just as plain
is all the ways i have, too.
in many respects i've gotten
everything i came for
and so it's time to go--
adventure, service,
discomfort, spiritual straightening-out,
not least of all my partner for life.
but in every respect
i'm only now beginning
and so it's time to start.

Just one sign of the times: my next door neighbor, in July of 2007 (l) and 2010 (r).
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