Sunday 12 April 2009

Happy Easter!

Woke up this morning to a fiery red sun dancing in the palm tree and barbed wire outside my window. Not so strange--my morning routine of coffee at dawn with Bible and journal is perhaps my most treasured possession!--but there was no snooze button this morning. I jumped out of bed, leapt at the thought of what today stands for--this whole day, I've been dancing within and without, celebrating with wild variety the empty tomb. Going to have to be point form, because it was THAT GOOD!
  • A traditional service complete with hymns and white gloves -- but still African at FOUR HOURS LONG!
  • An enormous meal of down-home cookin': Mariel's roast chicken, rolls and stuffing by Ashley, roast potatoes by yours truly, Christy's pineapple casserole (!), with a death-by-chocolate fudge cake and ice cream to top it all off! (Who says you need tryptophan to enter an Easter coma?!)
  • My inaugural round of Catch Phrase -- stressful!
  • A long evening splash in C's pool, complete with watching that fiery red sun set through palm trees, just like it came up.
  • A hot shower. (If you don't know, this is a bi-monthly extravagance at best -- HEAVEN!)
And so I hope you've had a wonderful Easter as well, full of family and food and good times. I hope Spring is brightening around you, wherever you are. Life is indeed rich.

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