Monday 13 April 2009

Liberian Dictionary, Vol. 2

Alright, you've had plenty of time to practice the day-to-day basics of Liberian English. Time to graduate on to useful phrases. (And by all means, if you have any requests, email me and I'll come up with the Liberianism...)

To start with, here are some easy, common ones:
"Monkey jam, eat pepper." (You gotta do what you gotta do.)
"Through crab, crayfish drink water." (Corruption Friendship
has got to filter down and spread around.)
"Your delay is not your denial!" (There's always tomorrow.)
"When elephants fight, it's the grass suffers that suffers."

Then there are the catchy but not-so-useful taxi bumper slogans...
"Poor no friend", "Simple mistake, you out!", and "Take time with my living".

Serious bonus points for the person who can tell me what "7-11 Chicken Egg" means. That was a mystery for a lonnnng time...

Next week: text messaging!

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